Hallsford Beef Shorthorns
The Hallsford herd of Beef Shorthorns was established in 1999 when we moved to Cumbria.
Why Beef Shorthorns?
There were a number of reasons why we chose Beef Shorthorns, but principally we felt that the animal ideally suited the environment and the system of farming we wished to adopt.
- Low input, Quality Output
- Easy Calving. Fertile
- Lovely temperament, Easy handling
- Hardy, Sound and Long Lived
- A number of Markets for the Finished Product
We strongly felt and still do, that in the current farming climate we needed a farming system that was Low Input based (Less susceptible to input prices changes) and had the opportunity to develop quality outputs where a premium could be sought in niche and developing, not commodity, markets.
Those markets are:
- A good pedigree market
- Distinct Brand, Farm Retail Meat Sales. (Internet, Farmers Markets, Food Fairs)
We are also delighted that Morrisons stock Shorthorn Beef as their premium beef product range. Shorthorn is regarded as one of the top beef eating products in the world.